


The School of Metaphysics is solely funded by contributions from students and the general public.

We need your support!

In order to continue offering the highest quality and most beneficial resources to humanity

relating to personal growth and self-realization, we need donations from caring people like yourself.

100% of all donations are used for research and expansion.

Thank you for helping make the world a better place for everyone!



Print this page, complete it, and mail it to us with your donation.


Street Address____________________________________________

City/State/Zip _____________________________________________

Phone ________________________ Email_______________________

I wish to contribute by: Visa Mastercard Discover Check

Credit Card Number ________________________________ Amount charged _____________one time donation /per month

please circle one

Name on Credit Card (please print) _______________________________


Signature Expiration Date on Card

Please make checks payable to School of Metaphysics. The School of Metaphysics is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and contributions made to the organization are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Mail to: School of Metaphysics World Headquarters.

163 Moon Valley Road

Windyville, Missouri 65783 USA